Pathfinder Story

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Pathfinder Story

9 years ago
by Blaize
Tagged: pathfinder, blog;

There were seven. Seven adventurers that set off to risk their lives for wealth and glory. Seemingly lead blindly by a mysterious figure known only as Kel. It was her that brought them to their current destination, an abandoned monastery.
Of the Seven that left, only two of the original group remained. The Elf Mortrin, who became one with the spirit of an ancient power, and the Teifling turned Dyad Casandra. They were joined by: the Elf Assyah, Svirfneblin Nemesis, Halfling Kaleb, and a Troll. There was a Human in their company, however, to gain access to the lower levels of the monastery a ritual was needed and the Human sacrificed himself for the party to continue.
When the descent neared an end the travelers found themselves at an entrance to a vast city, one that Mortrin didn't remember being installed, there was talk of it being done, but it never came to fruition. 
Upon entering the city they were greeted by a Djjin, that can only be described as a large, red Dwarf. He welcomed the group to the city and let them rest for as long as they needed before continuing on their quest to destroy the fiend Urgus, a powerful necromancer. The group decided to rest for a week, in which a marriage of power was formed between the two original members. The rest of the group found work where they could, be it healing, alchemy or smithing, and as the week neared it's end they were summoned by the Djjin. This is where they met their new member, a Tauren. A giant humanoid cow called Edgar. 
With the new member in their ranks, Mortrin sked the Djjin if she could summon Urgus,"As long as you do not let him know I am here. he may not be able to enter this part of the city in his physical form, but he must not know it is I that keeps him at bay." replied their host.
"URGUS!" Mortrin cried into the back void,"Ah, it is you, I wondered when you'd arrive."The two enemies had a lengthy conversation as to how to find and destroy the necromancer, ending with the hunt of one of his betrayers and visions of him being played as a puppet by the Goddess of Madness herself, Lamashtu.